Saturday, December 10, 2011

How can I play DS Pokemon games in my Computer?

I have watched some of the youtube videos, but i didn't get any clue from there. I would appreciate if someone would tell me how can i play the DS pokemon games on my PC step by step.

Thank You.|||Well, there are a couple of things that you need...

First off you are gonna need to get yourself an emulator, which can be found at (for DS games, I'd download "No$GBA")

and then your gonna need to download some roms, which can also be downloaded from the site above.

It's really easy to use and you should be ale to figure out how it works no problem.

Best of Luck!|||Follow these steps:

1. Download NO$GBA or DeSmume Link:



2. Download Pokemon ROMS:

All Pokemon Games:;b=0%26amp;q=Pokemon

3. Play Play and Play|||Find an Emulator (look it up) the first site should have a good DS one, then google the name of the game you are looking for with rom at the end of it. SO if you are looking for Poop smashers 27 google "Poop smashers 27 ROM" and you should find one, make sure you have a virus scanner though, these things are usually packed with viruses.|||search for any ds emulator like no$gba or desmume . then download required roms from sites like romulation etc. or search in google.

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