Saturday, December 10, 2011

What are the chances of pokemon games stop being made?

To be honest, I enjoyed pokemon all the way up to Platinum (And SS and HG because they are epic remakes). But honestly, pokemon Black and White are a disgrace. In the 90s, Pokemon Yellow, Red, and Blue were the best games around. Then it kept evolving. Do you think they will eventually stop Pokemon and not make new stupid games like POKEMON PINK AND PURPLE (example)?

I'm thinking no, because the graphics keep increasing.|||Haha, maybe Nintendo will stop making Pokemon games when they run out of colors and gems to use.

There are way too many Pokemon to collect already, so I doubt that the number of Pokemon will exceed the 1k mark. Pokemon games like ruby, diamond and black will eventually stop being made, but other Pokemon-related games will still be produced, like Pokemon Puzzle, Pokemon Snap, and Pokemon Stadium.|||ok, it is impossible for pokemon to stop making newer games, first of all there is so much revenue from the games, second i have been playing since the days of blue and red and am still playing strong today, cause raising training and playing is so addicting, and for the person who said when the shows end, pokemon was a game that came out way before the show even started. In 20 years i will almost guarantee that people will still be playing and going strong in the pokemon world.|||Gamefreak will stop the day the company has some type of hardship, such as a natural disaster eliminating their staff... but even then, there would be someone to continue the franchise. So as long as vgames exist, pokemon will exist.

Your use of "PINK AND PURPLE" as examples for stupid games, yet not all the previous generations, gives me the hint that one major reason that you dislike Black/White is because of the names. They're called B/W because of the Tao-energy-legends in the game, sorta like the whole yin-yang. There was nothing wrong with Red/Blue/Yellow being simplistic color names, so why must new generations resort to being named after Cubic Zirconium?

Like you said, the graphics are improving... and so are many of the other features (although at a sluggish pace.) Put the names of the game behind you, and enjoy the actual content of the game. :)|||I don't think they will stop because children will keep buying and buying the merchandise. Even if they stop making Pokemon, I'm sure they will find some way to keep kids interested.

Personally, I think they should stop making a ton of Pokemon and focus more on a new plot line or maybe a battle system where you get to directly play as your Pokemon (similar to the battle style of SSBB or Tales of Symphonia for example). :)|||I don't think they will ever stop. I played the first games 2 years after they came out and fell in love, but Platinum is where I absolutely lost all interest.

Sure, the concept and gameplay is amazing and extremely addicting, but I don't think everybody is going to love Pokemon forever, but new generations are going to keep buying and wanting.|||i doubt it will stop completely, they keep getting crazier, they might make another one once a new system comes out, and watch, its gunna be like 4D virtual reality or something, and EVERYONE is gunna wanna play it, lol|||90% if ther is a protest.

why? people can get bored with all these games. they just are an adventure game w/new pokemon.|||I just discovered a good english functioning rom to get pokemon black and white!!|||Pokemon has been going strong for about 15 years and the games continue to sell like hot cakes most likely because new young generations become fans. There's no stopping it.|||Hai! I rly hope that the pokemon games will never cease to exist. they are a great way to reach out to the boys and girls, as long there is pokemon i will catch em all!|||when the cartoon stops. The games stop abut after

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