Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is the point of the natures of pokemon in the games?

I've always wondered why it adds the detail of nature in the pokemon games. What is the point of it exactly?|||As it is, the first two Generation of pokemon didn't have nature. In it People were unsure of how good or bad their pokemon may become. Their stats were randomly strengthened. They added natures into the Generaton III, for those it might have been to actually give characteristics to a pokemon. Make them more then just bits of data that fight. Though in it, each nature has their own way of working. In it, it created the way to figure out if a pokemon was good to battle with or not, it shows how they grow and how they will be. Though with it, people became more concious on getting a good pokemon instead of training them to be good pokemon.|||To clarify, a Pok茅mon with a certain nature will have one of its stats increased by 10% and another lowered by 10% by the time all stats reach their max. There are also five natures that are neutral, they don't raise or lower any stat.|||Nature Increased stat Decreased stat Favorite flavor Disliked flavor

Hardy 鈥? 鈥? 鈥? 鈥?

Lonely Attack Defense Spicy Sour

Brave Attack Speed Spicy Sweet

Adamant Attack Sp. Attack Spicy Dry

Naughty Attack Sp. Defense Spicy Bitter

Bold Defense Attack Sour Spicy

Docile 鈥? 鈥? 鈥? 鈥?

Relaxed Defense Speed Sour Sweet

Impish Defense Sp. Attack Sour Dry

Lax Defense Sp. Defense Sour Bitter

Timid Speed Attack Sweet Spicy

Hasty Speed Defense Sweet Sour

Serious 鈥? 鈥? 鈥? 鈥?

Jolly Speed Sp. Attack Sweet Dry

Naive Speed Sp. Defense Sweet Bitter

Modest Sp. Attack Attack Dry Spicy

Mild Sp. Attack Defense Dry Sour

Quiet Sp. Attack Speed Dry Sweet

Bashful 鈥? 鈥? 鈥? 鈥?

Rash Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Dry Bitter

Calm Sp. Defense Attack Bitter Spicy

Gentle Sp. Defense Defense Bitter Sour

Sassy Sp. Defense Speed Bitter Sweet

Careful Sp. Defense Sp. Attack Bitter Dry

Quirky 鈥? 鈥? 鈥? 鈥?br>
Sorry if it's hard to read

Hope this helps :)|||I always thought about that also, but the nature of the Pokemon determines how the Pokemon's stats level. Here's a very useful chart showing the natures of Pokes, and how their stats develop:|||Nature determines it's stats. For example, a "bold" nature pokemon typically has high attack stat, but less defense.

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