Saturday, December 10, 2011

Are there any pokemon games for xbox 360 that are similar to red n blue?

I used to love pokemon red, blue, and yellow for game boy. Now i'm wondering if there are any games that have the same sort of play (big map with towns, wander around and catch pokemon and have them level up, etc). Sorry i dont know the technical term for this sort of game but the more like red and blue the better. Thanks in advance!|||Pokemon is owned by nintendo. xbox 360 is not owned by nintendo, so there won't be any games for it. The techincal terms for what u were saying earlier is RPG (role playing game). If u want a game, and don't hav the console, get a rom or buy a ds|||No, pokemon games are owned by nintendo, and so only nintendo game systems have pokemon games.|||Nintendo owns the rights. Xbox is owned by Microsoft. So no. There will most likely never be a game for anything other than Nintendo system.|||Pokemon game rights are owned by Nintendo, Pokemon games are only released on Nintendo systems.|||nope. nintendo makes those.

it would be cool if they did tho.

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