Saturday, December 10, 2011

What pokemon games should i buy that would allow me to have all of them?

I dont want to buy every game that came out, so i just want to know which games i should get that should give me all of them. From what hear there are 650+ pokemon.|||why dont u just not play pokemon then dont have to worry|||you will need 2 nintendo ds's, but i think if you get pokemon firered or leaf green, with pokemon emerald, with heartgold or soul silver, pokemont platnium, and transfer all the pokemon to white/black, you can catch them allish, some legendaries are only available through events, so its hard lmfao|||There's no such pokemon game but Heart Gold and Soul Silver a great value

you get pokemon from kanto, johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh INCLUDING the legendaries.

you can also do a whole other region of the pokemon region after the first part.|||As of Pokemon SoulSilver adn HeartGold there is 493 Pokemon. But unfortunately there is no one game where you can get all of them. You have to trade and swap Pokemon.|||There is no Pokemon game that lets you get all the Pokemon, it's kinda obvious, just trade Pokemon with a friend or someone from Yahoo Answers.|||None, that's why they have so many versions and usually each gen comes out with 2 games at a time and then a 3rd version.|||There is no game that lets you catch them all.|||i agree with all these people but if i were u id get soul silver. or maybe black/white.

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