Saturday, December 10, 2011

Can anyone please list ALL the different pokemon games for Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS?

Just the games where you are a pokemon trainer like leaf green version,sapphire version,heart gold version etc and what is the difference between all these games. I want to get the first two I listed but want to know what exactly you can do in any of the pokemon games that are newer thats different from the past ones?

Can you play GBA games on the Nintendo DS lite?|||--GBA--

FireRed - A remake of Pokemon Red/Blue on the Original Gameboy.

LeafGreen - A remake of Pokemon Red/Blue on the Original Gameboy.

The only difference between the two is the different Pokemon found. Good for finding more Kanto Pokemon. Starters: Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander

These are the main games on the GBA, features the newer region at the time, Hoenn.

Ruby - Able to Catch Groudon (Same as Sapphire %26amp; Emerald)

Sapphire - Able to Catch Kyogre (Same as Ruby %26amp; Emerald)

Emerald - The third of Ruby and Sapphire and Allows you to catch both Kyogre and Groudon as well as Rayquaza. Also features the Battle Frontier.

Starters: Torchic, Mudkip, Treeko


These are the main games on the DS, features the most current region at the time, Sinnoh.

Pearl - Able to catch Palkia (Same as Diamond and almost like Platinum)

Diamond - Able to catch Dialga (Same as Pearl and almost like Platinum)

Platinum - Able to catch Giratina with the new Origin form in the new Distortion World, also features many more new Wifi features as well as Shaymin, Rotom Forms...etc

Starters: Chimchar, Turtwig, Piplup

HeartGold - Remake of Pokemon Gold on the original Gameboy. Able to catch Ho-Oh FIRST (Catch Lugia later)

SoulSilver - Remake of Pokemon Gold on the original Gameboy. Able to catch Lugia FIRST (Catch Ho-Oh later)

These two are really great games, as they just came out and they are simply amazing in my opinion. ;)

Starters: Chikorita, Totodile, Cyndaquil

So basically the DS games feature quite a bit more in conent as well as new Pokemon. There is also online features and other mini games and things that make the newer games fun.

If you like to learn more about individual features you can check out, its a great Pokemon site that tells you absolutely everything about the games.

Finally, yes Gameboy Advanced games do work on the DS, and DS Lite along with the PalPark Migration feature...however please note Pal Park does not work on the DSi as there is no GBA slot on the DSi.

Hope this is what you were looking for! :)|||For the GBA:

Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald - Original Generation 3 games set in the Hoenn Region

LeafGreen and FireRed - Enhanced remakes of Generation 1 games (Red and Green, the latter which was only released in Japan and was redone into Blue version for North America) with Generation 2 and 3 Pokemon included

For the DS:

Diamond, Pearl and Platinum - Original Generation 4 games set in the Sinnoh Region

HeartGold and SoulSilver - Enhanced remakes of Generation 2 games (Gold and Silver) that include Pokemon from Generation 1-4

Pokemon Black and White - Scheduled for release in Spring of 2011

The main differences for the newer games are more in depth ways of raising pokemon. These include Natures, Abilities, Effort Values and Individual Values. All are too deep to be described here but are detailed on Bulbapedia. Also in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, there are Pokemon contests similar to those in the show that Mae participated in.

And yes GBA games can be played on the original DS and DS Lite, but not on the DSi or DSi XL|||Red %26amp; Green

Red %26amp; Blue


Gold %26amp; Silver


Ruby %26amp; Sapphire

Fire Red %26amp; Leaf Green


Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team



Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team

Pokemon Ranger

Diamond %26amp; Pearl

Mystery Dungeon: Explorers Of Time %26amp; Darkness

Pokemon Ranger: Shadows Of Almia


Mystery Dungeon: Explorers Of The Sky

Heart Gold %26amp; Soul Silver

(New - Pokemon - Black %26amp; white

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