Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to download pokemon games on a mac?

How do I download pokemon games to my computer? I'm technologically incompetent so please be as specific as possible, I tried just downloading the file but had no clue what to do from there. I have an macbook, if that affects anything. I'm not sure which game I want to download, I'm debating between one of the originals or one of the remakes of the originals. Thanks.|||You download Visual Boy Advance from Google, then go to, and download the system you prefer, once you have those two downloaded and put in a folder you can download any Pokemon game

I have GBA

Hope this helped|||One word Roms. just search what ever game you want (EX-Pokemon White Rom)Find a website that has the rom and download. If you search using youtube i recommend you read the comments first to see if it has a virus or not|||

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