Saturday, December 10, 2011

Who thinks the pokemon games are still good?

I knoe\w when you hear Pokemon you automatically think LOSER! But I think that the old gameboy games like red, blue, gold, silver, crystal, and ruby were just overall good games. Who agrees or disagrees and why?|||I think pokemon is awesome!!!!

When I hear "Myley Cyrus" I think LOSER!!

POKeMON ROX!!!|||i love pokemon

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|||i love pokemon but i hate bakugan and yougioh

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|||leaf green is the best and fire red to because they have decent graphics there super easy to beat almost any hacking device supports them there very popular so youll find what your looking for faster but pokemon is just a great classic i mean you beat it 10 times put it up for a month and play it again there just addicting....EDIT**::**right now im playing leaf green and im using game shark which makes it really easy but i can beat it without my gameshark too it just makes it faster when it comes to the elite 4 and your rival and you have really high lvl pokemon but the only place you can train is victory road but you only get 300 something exp from each pokemon....|||I love the pokemon games! except for the pokemon puzzle games and pinball games, and I didn't like pokemon dash or Ranger either, and I also love the show it may be getting a little stupid but it's entertaining, and to be honest the old pokemon games are getting kind of boring but I still play them|||I certainly think they are great games. I've almost got a day and a half on Pokemon Leaf Green from just five days of playing. (Not that I usually play that much, but it's summer, so it's the only interesting thing to do)

They are fun games that can be really hard, and make you think. Who couldn't love them? I definitely agree with you 100 percent.|||I don't care what people say I am 13 and almsot 14 now and I still love playing pokemon games and I can't wait for the next 1 to come out all the time...I stopped watching the show but the games I can't stop...In fact im playing pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time right now lol|||i love pokemon

i like playing it because you can make new friends online with wifi

those that think you are a loser are just mean and they should respect that you want to play pokemon

if they call you a loser than just keep away from them because they are obviusly ****heads|||I personally enjoy the RPGs and video games for the Nintendo. They're enjoyable and pretty fun! The TV show is turning into a really..jstu.. "annoying" show. I avoid watching it. =) But I personally enjoy playing the video games! The older games are definetly better though.|||think pokemon is still alive, i currently play diamond and pearl, the games are challenging and making you want to create and discover you own strategies as you play which is what i love about the games|||i personally have got 1 game of each generation of pokemon and i think that they all have a good theme and that the rpg part and the part were u can interact with friends on multiple levels is a lot of fun!!!!|||I think that the pokemon series is a great rpg series and i hope that it continues and i don't care if people think that i'm a loser let them think what they want.

So i guess i agree with you|||pokemon indigo is is for the computer.go to www.pokemon it's worth it.|||Actually pokemon have preety good RPGs, but the show is getting cheesy, it was better when they actually drew it, but I personally think they are good RPGs, addicting and fun.|||they are fun i have 2 that i havent finished yet i have one that i got last yr and one i got 2 wks ago and im stil working on both they will most certain entertain you 4 awhile|||I don't watch the show but I love the games I still be playing sapphire %26amp; Ruby %26amp; Firered %26amp; Leafgreen|||there heaps cool i have pokemon diamond the new one after explorers of darkness and time so yeah.|||I think they're pretty good games.|||I never played it before, but I could say its a thumbs up...|||i love em|||its so very interesting!!!!someone says 2 me dat i am so stupid in playing it....but i like i agree...from old to the newer games....its great....i have all these games.....

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